Law is the means, justice is the end.

Wil Eikelboom

Wil Eikelboom specializes in conducting legal proceedings at international human rights organisations, in particular the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. With Liesbeth Zegveld, he won the ECtHR Grand Chamber case of Jaloud v. the Netherlands (2014).

Eikelboom also assists clients in domestic immigration proceedings. Before becoming a lawyer, he worked as a legal officer at the headquarters of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Geneva for five years. Wil Eikelboom speaks Dutch, English, French and German.


  • Human rights
  • Migration
  • Public order

Lawyer since



Additional functions

  • Chairman Association of Asylum Lawyers the Netherlands (Vereniging van Asieladvocaten Nederland; VAJN)
  • Member of the National Advisory Committee for Legal Assistance for Asylum-seekers and detained aliens (Landelijke Adviescommissie voor de Rechtsbijstand aan Asielzoekers en in bewaring gestelde Vreemdelingen; LARAV)
  • Teacher to lawyers and judges (OSR/SSR) Member of the specialist assosicaion SVM 

In the media