In criminal justice, it can be dangerous to believe that one's ideas are good and that one has found the right way of doing things.

Tamara Buruma

As a criminal defence lawyer, Tamara Buruma focuses on international criminal cases with a political component. She handles cases of non-violent activism, and has specialised in all fields of international criminal law. She has represented clients suspected of genocide, war crimes or piracy, and often represents persons whose extradition is being sought. As an expert in the field of anti-terrorism measures, she acts both as a defence lawyer in criminal cases and as counsel in (European) administrative cases regarding sanction regimes. She uses her extensive knowledge of European criminal and sanction law in complex fraud and money-laundering cases as well. In her work, she combines thorough investigation of the facts with well-founded legal arguments. She's not afraid to question existing case law and elicit new interpretations. To this end, she also represents clients in front of the Court of Cassation (Supreme Court), as well as the European Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights. She is a partner since 2017.

Tamara regularly teaches in the topics in which she specialises. She is also often asked as a panellist or speaker for symposia. 


  • Human rights
  • Criminal law
  • Environmental & Nature
  • International criminal law
  • Sanctions law
  • Public order

Lawyer since



Additional functions

Tamara is admitted as counsel to the List of Counsel for the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the Kosovo Specialist Chambers. Member of the Stichting Mens en Strafrecht (MenS) Member of the Dutch Association for Criminal Lawyers (NVSA) and the Advice Committee Criminal Law of the Dutch Bar Association    Member of the Association of Appeal Cases in criminal law (Vereniging van Cassatieadvocaten in Strafzaken (VCAS)) Phd candidate on the topic of incitement at Leiden University 


  • Napleiten, '#65: Lid van een terroristische organisatie of niet?', podcast (2023)
  • Boom Strafblad: '"'Check your privilege' in discriminatiezaken'" (with Frederieke Dölle) 2023-4p. 179-185
  • TBSenH: 'Plaatsing op de sanctielijst: voldoende onderbouwd?" 2023-4, Boom Juridisch, p. 157-161
  • Tijdschrift Justitiële verkenningen: 'Vrouwelijke terugkeerders uit Syrië. Het perspectief van de verdediging', 2022-03, p. 58.
  • Strafblad: 'De onafhankelijkheid van het Openbaar Ministerie, door de ogen van een advocaat' (March 2017), nr. 1, p.48-54
  • Strafblad: 'Terrorismevervolgingen: een bloemenketting met doornen' (October 2016), nr. 4, p. 244-250
  • Strafblad: 'De strafzaak en de politiek’  (November 2015), nr. 5, p. 411-415 
  • Tijdschrift voor Compliance: De sanctieregeling vanuit het perspectief van de gesanctioneerden’ (February 2015), nr. 1, p. 32-37 
  • Strafblad: Te goed van vertrouwen?’ (met Göran Sluiter) (November 2014), nr. 5, p. 388-395 
  • Levend strafrecht (Liber Amicorum): ‘Bij tegenslag moedig voorwaarts! Politiek verzet in de huidige samenleving’ (Deventer; Kluwer 2011, p. 93-106)

In the media