Law: it’s always a matter of searching and searching.

Prof. Hans Ulrich Jessurun d'Oliveira (1933)

Hans Ulrich (Ulli) Jessurun d'Oliveira studied law at the University of Amsterdam. He specializes in private international law, nationality law and immigration rights. From 1971 he was a professor first at the University of Groningen, and then in Amsterdam and at the European University Institute in Florence.

Adviser since 2000


Additional functions

Ulli is an honorary member of the European Group for Private International Law and a member of the Academy of Europe. He is co-founder and an honorary member of the Netherlands Comparative Law Association. Between 1973 and 2003, he sat on the Dutch governmental committee for private international law, his final role being that of vice-chair. Between 1976 and 1995, he chaired the Clean Water Foundation, the organisation that successfully brought environmental cases against French potassium mines. Furthermore, he was a member of the boards of the Dutch National Bureau against Racial Discrimination (1984-1987) and the University of Amsterdam's Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies (1995-1998). He also chaired the Fund for the Arts (1997-2005).

In the media

Ulli  heeft enige honderden wetenschappelijke publicaties op zijn naam staan. Hij was redacteur van verschillende literaire tijdschriften (Propria Cures, Tirade, Merlyn); van 1975 tot 2003 was hij ook redacteur van het Nederlands Juristenblad. Op regelmatige basis publiceert hij opiniërende artikelen in de dag- en weekbladen.

Ulli's CV vindt u hier.