This morning, the District Court of the Hague issued its final verdict in the case filed by Greenpeace against the State of the Netherlands in light of its insufficient nitrogen-approach, and the consequences of this for our most vulnerable nature.
The court held that the State is acting unlawfully because in previous years it had done too little to counter the deterioration (and threat of deterioration) of the most vulnerable nature. This applies in particular to the nature on an ‘Urgent List’ of nitrogen-sensitive nature in Dutch Natura 2000-areas, as drawn up by leading ecologists. The court therefore orders the State to achieve its own statutory nitrogen target for 2030, whereby, and as previously not the case, the State must give priority to the areas that require the greatest care and are on the ‘Urgent List’. If the State does not achieve this target, it will forfeit a penalty of 10 million euros. The judgment has been declared provisionally enforceable.
Greenpeace is being assisted in this procedure by lawyers Bondine Kloostra and Brechtje Vossenberg.
For more information, read the press release from Greenpeace Netherlands (in Dutch).
Annexes (in Dutch)
- Press release District Court of The Hague, ‘Staat moet wettelijk stikstofdoel 2030 halen en voorrang verlenen aan gebieden met grootste stikstofoverbelasting’
- Rechtbank Den Haag 22 januari 2025, ECLI:NL:RBDHA:2025:578
Media (in Dutch)
- ‘Greenpeace wint zaak tegen Staat, rechter dwingt kabinet meer haast te maken met stikstofaanpak’ (NOS, 22 January 2025)
- ‘Dreun voor kabinet in Greenpeace-zaak: Staat moet in 2030 stikstofdoelen halen’ (, 22 January 2025)
- Y. Hofs, ‘Klinkende zege voor Greenpeace: rechter verplicht kabinet stikstofuitstoot fors te verlagen’ (Volkskrant, 22 January 2025)
- E. König en M. Adelaear, 'Greenpeace wint belangrijke stikstofzaak voor herstel van kwetsbare natuur in 2030' (NRC, 22 January 2025)
- ‘Greenpeace wint rechtszaak: kabinet moet veel meer doen om stikstof terug te dringen’ (RTL, 22 January 2025)
- L. van der Storm, ‘Rechter geeft Greenpeace gelijk in stikstofzaak: overheid moet hard ingrijpen om natuur te beschermen’ (Trouw, 22 January 2025)
- [In English], R. Frost, 'Dutch government ordered to cut nitrogen emissions by 2030: Victory for Greenpeace' (Euronews, 22 January 2025)
- Court hearing 12 November 2024 at district court of The Hague in Greenpeace's case about insufficient Dutch nitrogen-approach
- Summary proceedings about Dutch nitrogen-approach for the most vulnerable nature
- Greenpeace sues the Netherlands for inadequate approach to nitrogen
- Greenpeace summons Dutch State re: nitrogen-approach