On Friday 28 June 2024 the District Court of The Hague will hear the summary proceedings filed by Oxfam Novib, PAX and The Rights Forum against the Dutch State over its failure to comply with the judgment of the Court of Appeal of The Hague that prohibits the delivery of F-35 components to Israel.

On 12 February 2024, the Court of Appeal of The Hague ruled in favour of Oxfam Novib et al. and ordered the State to cease all (actual) export and transit of F-35 parts with final destination Israel. In the opinion of the court, there is a clear risk that Israel is committing serious violations of the law of war in Gaza with the F-35 fighter jets.

Oxfam Novib et al. note that the judgment is not being properly complied with and have therefore again summoned the State. F-35 parts delivered from the Netherlands can still end up (via the US) in Israel. In these summary proceedings Oxfam Novib et al. demand that a penalty be attached to the judgment of 12 February 2024 so that they can enforce the judgment of the Court of Appeal.

The hearing at the District Court of The Hague is public and will also be accessible digitally via a livestream.

Date: Friday 28 June 2024

Start: 11:00 hours

Court: District Court of The Hague

Address: Prince Clauslaan 60 in The Hague (2595 AJ)

The link to the live stream can be found >> HERE <<

The organizations are being assisted by lawyers Liesbeth Zegveld and Thomas van der Sommen.

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[Source: R. Sullivan, 'Two Israeli F-35 "Adirs", Israel' (via Picryl Media)]


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