On Tuesday 4 June 2024 the European Court of Human Rights (hereafter: ECtHR) in Strasbourg heard two cases against Greece filed by G.R.J. and A.E. Both refugees were forcibly expelled to Turkey by Greek officials in 2019 and 2020. This is the first time the ECtHR heard Greece in a court hearing about illegal 'pushbacks'.  It is also the first time that the ECtHR is examining Greece's practice of 'drift-backs', i.e. abandoning asylum seekers at sea in inflatable rafts.

The applicants are represented by lawyer Flip Schüller from Prakken d’Oliveira, together with lawyers from the Dutch Refugee Council, the Irish Human Rights Centre and the Greek Council for Refugees.

You can read the press release about this case here

Foto EHRM 2

[Source: private]

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