On Friday 6 September 2024 the Dutch Supreme Court will hear the cassation appeal lodged by the State of the Netherlands against the judgment rendered by the Court of Appeal in The Hague on 12 February 2024. It is a public hearing and can also be followed remotely via a livestream broadcasted in Dutch and English. 

On 12 February the Court of Appeal of The Hague ruled in favour of organizations Oxfam Novib, PAX, and The Rights Forum and ordered the Netherlands to cease all (factual) export or transit (re-export) of F-35 fighter jet parts to Israel as final destination. The Court of Appeal held that there was a clear risk that Israel is committing grave violations of international humanitarian law in the Gaza-strip with F-35 fighter jets.

Date: Friday 6 September 2024

Time: 10:00 AM CET

Court: Supreme Court of the Netherlands

Address: Korte Voorhout 8, 2511 EK The Hague

The direct link to the Livestream can be accessed >> HERE <<

The organizations are represented by lawyers Liesbeth Zegveld and Thomas van der Sommen from Prakken d'Oliveira Human Rights Lawyers, and in cassation by lawyers Philip Fruytier and Hugo Boom from law firm BarentsKrans.

Parralel to the cassation proceedings, separate summary proceedings are ongoing because Oxfam Novib and others noted that the State of the Netherlands is not properly complying with the Court of Appeal's judgment. F-35 parts supplied from the Netherlands can still end up in Israel (through the United States). In these second summary proceedings, the District Court of The Hague rejected the request to impose a penalty payment on the State to ensure compliance with the judgment of 12 February 2024. Oxfam Novib et al. have appealed this decision.


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