The Dutch foundations Doggerland and ARK Rewilding have filed an appeal against the management plans for protected areas in the North Sea. The case concerns the management plans for the Natura 2000-areas Doggersbank, Friese Front and Klaverbank. In a management plan, the government describes how nature should be protected. According to the foundations, it has not been sufficiently established that significant negative effects on the protected habitat types and species of Doggersbank, Klaverbank and Friese Front can be ruled out. Human activities such as gas extraction, the construction of wind farms and shipping are causing further deterioration of the protected Natura 2000 areas.
Stichting Doggerland and ARK Rewilding are represented by lawyers Bondine Kloostra and Larab Mohammad.
See also (in Dutch)
- W. van Noort, 'Natuurorganisaties klagen staat aan om gebrekkige bescherming Noordzee' (NRC, 7 October 2024)
- 'Natuurorganisaties naar de rechter voor betere bescherming Noordzee: ‘Het is 5 over 12’ (Volkskrant, 8 October 2024)