Protected nature in the Netherlands continues to deteriorate due to excessive nitrogen deposition. The most recent ecological reports show that the nitrogen deposition in the Netherlands must be reduced drastically in order to prevent irreparable damage to natural habitats and the habitats of species. The experts say that this must be done before 2025 for the most vulnerable nature, and in 2030 for other vulnerable nature. The Netherlands is failing to protect its nature adequately, thereby violating its obligation under European law and regulations to avoid deterioration. As such, Greenpeace is demanding that the Netherlands fulfills its obligation, and that its policy includes the drastic and timely reduction of nitrogen deposition.
The case is being handled by lawyers Bondine Kloostra and Brechtje Vossenberg.
In the media (in Dutch)
- 'Greenpeace stapt naar rechter voor betere stikstofmaatregelen kabinet', De Volkskrant, 12 July 2023
- 'Greenpeace eist via rechter beter stikstofplan van kabinet',, 12 July 2023
- 'Greenpeace daagt staat voor de rechter om stikstofmaatregelen af te dwingen', NRC, 12 July 2023
The press release issued by Greenpeace about this case can be accessed here (in Dutch).