On Wednesday 12 May, the Dutch TV show 'De Waarde van de Aarde' (the value of the earth) broadcasted a show on the oil industry. Presentor Twan Huys presented his research on the role of the Dutch multinational Shell in Nigeria and the involvement of the Dutch embassy with operations of Shell in Nigeria. The programme focussed on the criminal investigation against Shell for its role in the acquisition of oild field OPL245 which is located off the coast of Nigeria. Our lawyer, Barbara van Straaten, who filed a criminal complaint against Shell on behalf of four NGOs, was interviewed about the case. Van Straaten also filed a submission on the basis of the Freedom of Information Act, focussing on the role of the Ministry of Justice in this criminal investigation. She showed documents to host Twan Huys and discussed the importance of an independent criminal investigation in this case.
The interview can be found here (in Dutch).
For previous news items about this case please see: