If you disagree with a court judgement, you can lodge an appeal against the ruling with a higher court. The deadlines for filing appeals differ depending on the applicable law, but for criminal cases it is generally two weeks from the date of the judgement. An appeal against ruling by the appeals court in criminal law litigation is called cassation; cassation takes place before the Supreme Court.
Our firm has extensive experience with legally complex appeals cases. We also specialise in conducting cassation in criminal cases. If you have been convicted and wish to initiate an appeal or cassation, please contact us as soon as possible.
Finally there is the possibility of challenging a judgement before the European Court of Human rights (ECtHR). Such a complaint must then be in respect of a final judgement rendered by the highest national court (in Dutch criminal law this will often be the Supreme Court). The deadline for initiating proceedings before the ECtHR is six months following the final national verdict.